Friday, February 21, 2025

Turning Pain into Purpose: My Journey with ASEA Gold Gel

If you know me, you know I don’t jump into things without being 100% convinced. But life has truly tested me over the past few months:

💔 Balancing my studies while being a full-time caregiver.
💔 Caring for my two OKU parents, ensuring they get the best care.
💔 Dealing with falls, injuries, and chronic pain.
💔 Struggling to walk without discomfort.
💔 Enduring relentless BACK PAIN after multiple procedures on my L4 & L5.

I’ve tried everything—treatments, therapies, and procedures—but the pain never fully went away. Every step, every movement, every single day was a struggle. 😞

Then, I started using ASEA Renu 28 Gel and ASEA Redox Water… and while I saw benefits:
✅ My skin improved.
✅ My stamina increased.
✅ I could walk further without exhaustion.

But my ankle and back pain? Still a challenge.

Then, something LIFE-CHANGING happened…



Last Saturday in Penang, I tried ASEA Gold Gel for the first time. The moment I applied it, my pain reduced almost instantly. I could stand, move, and even dance 🕺 to CNY songs with my friends! 🎶

Of course, the pain returned—but after reapplying, relief came FAST again! With just a tiny sample tube, I used it sparingly with Renu 28. In just 5 days… I could fully flex my ankle with almost NO pain! 😲

This is a GAME-CHANGER for:

🔥 Gout sufferers
🔥 Chronic back pain warriors (like me!)
🔥 Sports injuries, migraines, muscle soreness, joint pain & more

💡 I’ve tried so many things over the years, but NOTHING compares to this.


🔥 ASEA GOLD GEL is launching in Malaysia on 1 March 2025! 🔥
SOLD OUT within days in the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia & New Zealand!
30-day MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE—No risk, all reward! 💰
99.9% of users gave it a THUMBS UP! 👍 INCLUDING ME!


💻 Click here on 1 March 2025: 👉 👈


#ASEAGold #PainRelief #BackPainRelief #RealExperience #GameChanger #NoMorePain #GoutRelief #MalaysiaLaunch #MiracleGel

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There's More to Life....

It's been a while since I feel like myself again....
A whole revolution....a cycle of pain that has thought me much to life.....
I know I fucked up and almost wanted to give up...
I was at a point where I would not even bother to care about anyone but myself.....
It was all about me and no one else...
Only when one falls flat on ones face....the pain and agony teachers her something new...
Only with Pain we Learn....
Time passes slowly.....people who cared around me showed me what I was truely missing at thi s young age of mine....
They really cared....
A friend almost lost his family because me.....everytime i am about to fall the friend was there....
I now have recovered how well i won't know will I.....
A new job....A new world...awaits this little girl....a whole new experience...
The excitement grow as I think about the days to come......

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Time of Internalization...."Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Helen Keller-

It's been two months since I left my job....
All have been good and still is.....
I've learned so much....
The last two months was just superb....
It was a time to better myself, giving myself a chance to look at the world from a different perspective of life....

Knowing and learning that

'If Life Is A Game, These Are The Rules'
Cherie Carter-Scott's 'rules of life'

Rule One

You will receive a body

Whether you love it or hate it, it's yours for life, so accept it. What counts is what's inside.

Rule Two

You will be presented with lessons

Life is a constant learning experience, which every day provides opportunities for you to learn more. These lessons specific to you, and learning them 'is the key to discovering and fulfilling the meaning and relevance of your own life'.

Rule Three

There are no mistakes, only lessons

Your development towards wisdom is a process of experimentation, trial and error, so it's inevitable things will not always go to plan or turn out how you'd want. Compassion is the remedy for harsh judgement - of ourselves and others. Forgiveness is not only divine - it's also 'the act of erasing an emotional debt'. Behaving ethically, with integrity, and with humour - especially the ability to laugh at yourself and your own mishaps - are central to the perspective that 'mistakes' are simply lessons we must learn.

Rule Four

The lesson is repeated until learned

Lessons repeat until learned. What manifest as problems and challenges, irritations and frustrations are more lessons - they will repeat until you see them as such and learn from them. Your own awareness and your ability to change are requisites of executing this rule. Also fundamental is the acceptance that you are not a victim of fate or circumstance - 'causality' must be acknowledged; that is to say: things happen to you because of how you are and what you do. To blame anyone or anything else for your misfortunes is an escape and a denial; you yourself are responsible for you, and what happens to you. Patience is required - change doesn't happen overnight, so give change time to happen.

Rule Five

Learning does not end

While you are alive there are always lessons to be learned. Surrender to the 'rhythm of life', don't struggle against it. Commit to the process of constant learning and change - be humble enough to always acknowledge your own weaknesses, and be flexible enough to adapt from what you may be accustomed to, because rigidity will deny you the freedom of new possibilities.

Rule Six

"There" is no better than "here"

The other side of the hill may be greener than your own, but being there is not the key to endless happiness. Be grateful for and enjoy what you have, and where you are on your journey. Appreciate the abundance of what's good in your life, rather than measure and amass things that do not actually lead to happiness. Living in the present helps you attain peace.

Rule Seven

Others are only mirrors of you

You love or hate something about another person according to what love or hate about yourself. Be tolerant; accept others as they are, and strive for clarity of self-awareness; strive to truly understand and have an objective perception of your own self, your thoughts and feelings. Negative experiences are opportunities to heal the wounds that you carry. Support others, and by doing so you support yourself. Where you are unable to support others it is a sign that you are not adequately attending to your own needs.

Rule Eight

What you make of your life is up to you

You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. Take responsibility for yourself. Learn to let go when you cannot change things. Don't get angry about things - bitter memories clutter your mind. Courage resides in all of us - use it when you need to do what's right for you. We all possess a strong natural power and adventurous spirit, which you should draw on to embrace what lies ahead.

Rule Nine

Your answers lie inside of you

Trust your instincts and your innermost feelings, whether you hear them as a little voice or a flash of inspiration. Listen to feelings as well as sounds. Look, listen, and trust. Draw on your natural inspiration.

Rule Ten

You will forget all this at birth

We are all born with all of these capabilities - our early experiences lead us into a physical world, away from our spiritual selves, so that we become doubtful, cynical and lacking belief and confidence.


The ten Rules are not commandments, they are universal truths that apply to us all. When you lose your way, call upon them.

Have faith in the strength of your spirit.

Aspire to be wise - wisdom the ultimate path of your life, and it knows no limits other than those you impose on yourself.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Reality Is As Such.....

In the office, annoyed with my unreliable, incompetent boss of mine that developed new training materials via the 'Cut and Paste' method, which I detected in less than 5 minutes reading through, I did not know what to do, so I went ahead and ask him,
"Boss, seriously you 'Cut and Paste', is it?"
and to my horror this was his reply to me;
"No, it is called the 'Copy and Type' method"
I didn't find it funny at all, he sounded like a conceited snooty....
After all he has said about himself and oversold his credibility to the management and also to our fellow colleagues....


"Empty Vessels Makes the Loudest Noise"

Unlike the more professional trainers, we develop materials by putting together many different sources and giving the materials a new personality of itself (with 'References' attached). And I will love to call it 'Plagiarism with Style'

Anyway, I'll still develope the slides as requested by my boss, with a little additional '2 cents' worth of input.....

But the boss is still the is about sees the LIGHT....

But still....this is beyond of my control....

Therefore, I am living by this prayer......
GOD give me the SERENITY to accept things that I cannot change,
The STRENGTH to change things that I can
and the WISDOM to know the differences.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Once A Lost Sheep

I was sitting by the balcony of my apartment asking myself if GOD loves me, 'Why am I face with so much so much anger, so much pain?"

Feeling lost and blaming the whole world, seems like the right thing to do then, always looking for someone to blame seems to be basic human reaction to a problem.
The fact that God always looks out for his lost sheeps, seem to be true.....I found my bible and I flipped thru.

There it was

"By your patience possesses your soul" (Luke 21:19)
. Luke 21:19 simply means, we take possession of our souls through patience.

Why do we fail to take possession of our souls through patience?
We fail because we choose to be ignorant, and we blame things on the Devil that are the result of our own undiciplined natures. Have one ever thought what one could be when one is awakened to the TRUTH!!!

"Yeah, blame on the Devil...."

I will relate the Devil to Mr. Emotions (Mr. Mood)
Moods nearly always rooted in some physical circumstances, not in our true inner self.
We continuously struggle to fight these moods that arises from our physical conditions.

Human being humans and always saying, "I am only human".

We are mostly cursed and we give in to moods.
We know the right thing to do is never to submit to it even for a second.
We know we should slap ourselves to realization and pick ourselves up, then move on with life.
Only when we move on, we are able to do what we once believe we weren't able to do.

As I still crave for answers, I ask God "What's next?". Amazing as it is, there was John 13:17; 12:36

"If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them" (John 13:17)

God has thrown a storm and cut my bouy to open my eyes, sending me out to sea in search of myself.
The determination and curiousity of wanting to know more, I started putting pieces together.

I saw what I needed to see, I have heard what I needed to hear.
Yes it hurts, but it is worth. I now know what to do.

Only when you know you should do something and you do it, immediately you are enlighten.

Looking back on how I have back slide, not doing what I am suppose to, giving excuses to myself.
Crisis then hits, I became stressed with no insights, instead of being spiritually self-control, I became spiritually distracted.

" much patience, in tribulations, in need, in distress" (2 Corinthians 6:4)

I've lost all interest and given up because I had no vision, no enthusiasm, nor have I seen any improvements in myself......I felt hopeless....
I begin loose sight of things that are important to me.....I was loosing myself....
And there He was.....
He found his lost sheep....Me....
I'm glad...and truely blessed that I have found the light.....
An asbolute sign of relief.....

"While you have the light, believe in that light...." (John 12:36)

Now that I have found peace in the "Words of God" I will not give up on myself. I now have the utmost respect myself. I will not give up because I have been blocked and confused, I'll go after it again. I shall burn all bridges behind me and stand committed to my decision in the light of what I saw, heard, and learned.

Now, I walk with Dignity, I step with Pride.

"All things must come to pass" Matthew 24:6

"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
I now have forgiven him, and wish him all the best.....with his new found relationship
I know I'll miss him, but I also know things happen for a reason.....

"When the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window"
"Time will tell......."
He has plans for me......

All Single Girl's Bibble ;p