"Boss, seriously you 'Cut and Paste', is it?"and to my horror this was his reply to me;
"No, it is called the 'Copy and Type' method"I didn't find it funny at all, he sounded like a conceited snooty....
After all he has said about himself and oversold his credibility to the management and also to our fellow colleagues....
"Empty Vessels Makes the Loudest Noise"
Unlike the more professional trainers, we develop materials by putting together many different sources and giving the materials a new personality of itself (with 'References' attached). And I will love to call it 'Plagiarism with Style'
Anyway, I'll still develope the slides as requested by my boss, with a little additional '2 cents' worth of input.....
But the boss is still the boss......it is about time.....management sees the LIGHT....
But still....this is beyond of my control....
Therefore, I am living by this prayer......
GOD give me the SERENITY to accept things that I cannot change,
The STRENGTH to change things that I can
and the WISDOM to know the differences.